I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness Ep. 1

Nov 06, 2023

Charlotte Evans trips and falls when escaping from some knights. She is found by Allen Crawford who protects her while carrying her in his arms. Original Title: Konyaku Haki Sareta Reijō o Hirotta Ore ga, Ikenai Koto o Oshiekomu: Oishii Mono o Tabesasete Oshare o Sasete, Sekai Ichi Shiawase na Shōjo ni Purodyūsu! - 婚約破棄された令嬢を拾った俺が、イケナイことを教え込む~美味しいものを食べさせておしゃれをさせて、世界一幸せな少女にプロデュース!~