Wunder Woman 1977 (Korean) - F/F Chloro

URL Key: wonder-woman-korea
Oct 21, 2018

'Wunder Woman' (a Korean version of Wonder Woman) faces off against a female foe. The foe blows stun dust into Wunder Woman's face, and then chloroforms her. It's a great throwback to the Fausta chloroform scene, even featuring similar dialogue. This was made by a Korean production company (Wildkat Korea), and I lifted it off YouTube. The company tried to capture the spirit of the 1977 TV series. It's really well done. [Wunder Woman gets chloroformed in this clip as well.](/clip/view/wonder-woman-korea-2) Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6LsccyOejM&t=5s